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HMT Understanding
Resources and Assignments
Module I: Introduction to Holographic Manipulation Therapy
Lesson 1: Overview of HMT (4:01)
Lesson 2: History and Development (13:19)
Lesson 3: Theoretical Foundation (6:18)
Lesson 4: Basic Concepts (5:55)
Lesson 5: What is HMT?
Module Two: Techniques and Applications
Lesson 1: Posture Mood Enhancement (7:19)
Lesson 2: Heart Brain Coherence (3:29)
Lesson 3: Holographic Deletion (26:53)
Lesson 4: App over App (6:32)
Lesson 5: Holographic Insertion (9:15)
Lesson 6: Primary Intervention one (58:09)
Lesson 7: Primary Intervention two (15:11)
Lesson 8: Psychosomatic Neuro-renew (15:39)
Lesson 9: App Modification (14:43)
Lesson 10: Gratitude (18:22)
Module 3: Holographic Manipulation Therapy for Mental Health
Lesson 1: Why 0-6? (10:17)
Lesson 2: Mindset of HMT and Review of change work (9:25)
Lesson 3: How resistance occurs and what to do about it (21:06)
Lesson 4: Gaining rapport with your clients (14:46)
Lesson 5: Emotional Refractatory Period (12:05)
Module 4: Holographic Manipulation Therapy for Physical Health
Lesson 1: Overview of physical health and the role of HMT
Lesson 2: Using HMT in the treatment of pain management (9:41)
Lesson 3: Ancestral Regression explained
Module 5: Confidence in business
Lesson 1: Aligning yourself with your services (13:48)
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